Personal Development
Wisdom, Productivity, Enthusiasm!
Working in the financial services industry requires the same level of proficiency in soft skills as in the more technical aspects of the job.
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Our Soft Skills Training stands out in the market because we change behaviour and we measure the impact on financial results.
How many times have you attended a training course, learned a lot of very new and interesting things, but then never implemented any of them? Or perhaps you applied some of the training in your work for the first day or two, but then reverted back to your old habits and ways.
Our trainers all have a business background or are still in business and regularly utilise all of the skills they teach. They practice what they preach, so to speak, but there is very little "preaching" going on. While other training companies are big on theory, we focus on practice. Our training is very experiential and conducted by accomplished NLP Master Practitioners. Our trainers achieve lasting behavioural change!
Gone are the days when companies (small and large) can afford the luxury of training that sounds interesting and would be nice to have. We don't just deliver the training and walk away! We work with you to develop methods to measure how the training will impact your bottom line. Then we follow up to see how much more profitable your company is as a result of our work together.
Our flagship training programme teaches you to recognise states of mind (in yourself and others) and to use this skill for more effective decision-making, problme-solving, business relaitonships, communication, sales, leadership and much, much more.
Develop You Full Potential Through Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness
Though our course offering is applicable to all industry sectors, we specialise in:
Some of the most popular training courses we offer include:
Influencing Skills and Strategies
Effective Interpersonal Skills
Click here to see the complete course offering
Working in business requires the same level of proficiency in soft skills as in the more technical aspects of the job. I work with your executives and senior managers to improve their performance ... Read More
Strong and effective leadership skills are a necessity in today's volatile business environment. For you to maintain a competitive advantage, you need to be on top of your game ... Read More
I work with business executives to develop a consultancy ethos, helping potential customers to solve a problem or fill a need. This approach to selling focuses on your customer and adds value to the client ... Read More
Financial Charisma is all about making your company or business a productive, thriving and innovative environment in which to work. The corporate world has undergone ... Read More