Personal Development
Wisdom, Productivity, Enthusiasm!
Working in the financial services industry requires the same level of proficiency in soft skills as in the more technical aspects of the job.
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At Financial Charisma, we believe that Human Capital is your greatest asset and we want to help you develop that asset in a way that will transform your business.
Financial Charisma is a Soft Skills Training and Executive Coaching business. The ethos of Financial Charisma is really all about the CHARISMA.....having personal appeal, being a captivating leader and possessing such client-centric charm that business lands easily in your lap. Those individuals that exhibit "financial charisma" excel in serving clients and inspring others. Many executives struggle with soft skills and this can be particularly challenging in the dynamic business environment that exists today.
Our flagship training, "Developing Your Full Potential Through Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness," teaches you to recognise states of mind (in yourself and others) and to use this skill for more effective decision-making, problem-solving, business relationships, communication, sales, leadership and much, much more.
The ONE area, which any business needs to address if it wants to lift itself from being averagely successful to excellent is Emotional Intelligence. Solid research demonstrates the benefits of Emotional Intellligence in the workplace.
Top business leaders in organisations such as Google, BMW and FedEx are also now discovering the vast potential of Mindfulness training. The Harvard Business School even includes Mindfulness principles in its leadership programmes.
Combining the best of Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness in the workplace has resulted in our very popular and successful flagship programme, "Developing Your Full Potential Through Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness."
We also consult, coach and train in other areas of Personal Development, Management & Leadership and Sales. What we teach goes beyond technical skills and is truly transformational at both a personal and organisational level. When people find clarity, inner balance and well-being, this leads to insight, vision and purpose, which translates into productivity, enthusiasm and wisdom in the workplace.
That is what we call Financial Charisma!
Personal Clarity, Inner Balance and Well-Being
Lead to Insight, Vision and Purpose
And translate into Productivity, Enthusiasm and Wisdom in the workplace
I look forward to working with you,
Working in business requires the same level of proficiency in soft skills as in the more technical aspects of the job. I work with your executives and senior managers to improve their performance ... Read More
Strong and effective leadership skills are a necessity in today's volatile business environment. For you to maintain a competitive advantage, you need to be on top of your game ... Read More
I work with business executives to develop a consultancy ethos, helping potential customers to solve a problem or fill a need. This approach to selling focuses on your customer and adds value to the client ... Read More
Financial Charisma is all about making your company or business a productive, thriving and innovative environment in which to work. The corporate world has undergone ... Read More